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Insurance Inspection Services

Loss Adjuster Inspecting Car Involved In Accident

Insurance inspections are crucial in today’s fast-paced business landscape, especially as the regulatory environment becomes more demanding. Lien holders and insurance companies alike need to be able to respond quickly to the demands of their customers and policy holders to maintain a positive business relationship. When damages have been repaired, whether it’s for a home, automobile or other personal property, a thorough inspection of the completed repairs is essential to ensure the lienholders interests are protected and the insurance carrier is not being subjected to fraud, waste or substandard contractor practices. GPS’s impartial 3rd party inspection also provides additional reassurance and peace of mind to your customers that they have received the service they deserve.

GPS has a nationwide team of qualified representatives, able to quickly respond to your company’s inspection requirements. With our customizable client data portal, we have the flexibility to utilize your existing inspection format or collaborate with you on a tailor made end user product to suit your needs.

Upon receipt of your assignment, we will promptly contact your designated party to set an appointment to inspect the repaired collateral at a place and time that meets your company’s requirements and fits your customer’s schedule. A detailed report will be completed providing current condition, quality of workmanship and customer satisfaction level. Supporting photographs of the repaired area (s) and collateral are provided with each report.

Contact us for details.